Industrialist Harsh Goenka regularly shares intriguing posts and videos on his social media account. Recently, the RPG Group chairman shared a video featuring two “majestic” big cats — a leopard and a black panther — taking a stroll outside his home in Tamil Nadu’s Coonoor. The video was posted on August 4 and has gone viral on X.
“This majestic creature was spotted outside our home in Coonoor. A reminder that we are guests in their territory. #RespectNature,” Mr Goenka wrote.
The video shows a leopard walking across the road before disappearing into the forest. A black panther also appeared shortly after.
Watch the viral video here:
This majestic creature was spotted outside our Coonoor home. A reminder that we are guests in their territory.
—Harsh Goenka (@hvgoenka) August 4, 2024
The internet was happy to see the big cats in one image.
A user wrote: “The owner on a routine tour of his property.”
“Beautiful sight! I have been praying and longing to see one for ages during my visits to Wellington (Ooty). It never happened,” wrote the third user.
“Really beautiful, both leopards walking around their estate at ease,” said the fourth user.
“I think your home is a haven for animals. I'm sure they feel safe and loved with you. I remember a beautiful moment when a peacock visited your home last year and danced,” wrote the fifth user.
Earlier, Mr. Goenka posted a screenshot on X (formerly Twitter) with descriptions of some beloved South Indian delicacies, including idli, dosa and medu vada. The prices, which are in dollars, confirm that the menu is for a restaurant or food service abroad.
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