Amid incessant heavy rains in parts of Bihar, an elephant was recorded on Tuesday swimming across the Ganges with a mahout on its back. The incident took place in the Raghopur region, Vaishali. The man was trapped along with the elephant because of the sudden rise of water in the Ganges River.
The video shows the elephant trying to cross the flowing water of the river with the mahout on top of him. The animal is completely submerged in water and looks like it is drowning. At one point, it also looks like the two might not be able to make it to shore. But eventually we see the elephant and the mahout reach a corner of the river where people are standing.
Speak with DailyExpertNews, local people revealed that the elephant swam one kilometer between Rustampur Ghat to Patna Kethuki Ghat. They said the mahout had come with the elephant on Tuesday, but when the water in the Ganga River suddenly increased, they both got stuck.
Also read | Tuskless elephant found dead after 3 days in Odisha suspected of poaching
It took a boat to rescue the gigantic animal, but as the mahout didn’t have enough money, he decided to cross the river with the elephant. The mahout sat and held the elephant’s neck by its ear, locals said.
Meanwhile, another elephant video had previously gone viral on the internet, becoming a hot topic of discussion among social media users. The clip showed two elephants and their calves surrounded by groups of people sitting in their cars. The animals were agitated by the spectators who recorded the images.
The video garnered thousands of views on Twitter. Internet users wrote that people should be more considerate of all living things on Earth. Others also said there was no need to get so close to the elephants. “They should have stopped and let elephants pass peacefully,” the netizens added.
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