Telegram launched the Stories feature for premium users in July, which was later made available to all users in August. Now the company has added new updates to the feature, allowing users to add music and reaction stickers to the stories. Additionally, users can send and share media directly in ‘view once’ mode, which can be changed at any time. Telegram has now expanded the ability to post stories to channels. To do this, they need to receive boots from their users.
In August, Telegram made its Stories feature available to all users. It works similarly to Instagram Stories and lets users post stories for 6, 12, 24, or 48 hours. Now, the social media platform has expanded the ability to post stories for Telegram channels. However, they will rely on a boost from Premium users to do so. Telegram Premium offers one boost per user that can be assigned to any channel. As the channels get boosted, they go to different levels. At each level, channel managers can post an additional story per day. Users can still decide which channels they want to see stories on. Channels can check how many boosts they need to level up by going to Channel Info > More > Stats > Boosts.
Another update is the ability to add reaction stickers and music to the stories. Users and channels can put up reaction stickers and viewers can respond to them with one tap. To add a reaction sticker, users can click the icon in the sticker panel and choose an emoji from the options provided. While Premium users can add up to five reaction stickers per story, other users are only allowed to add one reaction sticker per story. Users can add music to their stories by going to Audio > Select file > Adjust the song. They can also choose to keep the original audio.
Like WhatsApp and Instagram, users can send media on Telegram with a one-time viewing mode. Users can switch between a one-time display setting or a 30-second display mode. In View-once mode, the media file is permanently deleted once it is opened, and the viewer cannot save it or take screenshots.
Last but not least, Telegram sends a login alert to users every time they log in from a new device. They can also view all the devices they are logged in to by visiting Settings > Devices. For an additional layer of security, users can add two-step verification. To do this, they must go to Ssettings > Privacy & security > Two-step verification.