Same-sex marriage: There are four separate rulings in this case
New Delhi:
Same-sex marriage ruling: There’s a degree of agreement and a degree of disagreement about how far to go, the Supreme Court says
Here are the top 10 quotes from the Supreme Court’s ruling on gay marriage
This court cannot make laws. It can only interpret it and give effect to it.
Whether a change in the regime of the Special Marriage Act is appropriate must be decided by parliament. This court must be careful not to trespass into the legislative domain.
It is incorrect to say that marriage is a static and unchanging institution.
Our ability to feel love and connection with each other makes us feel human. We have an innate need to be seen and seen. The need to share our emotions makes us who we are. These relationships can take many forms, birth families, romantic relationships etc.
The need to be part of the family is a core part of the human condition and is important for self-development.
Choosing a life partner is an integral part of choosing one’s life course. Some may consider this the most important decision of their lives. This right goes to the root of the right to life and liberty under Article 21.
The right to enter into a commitment includes the right to choose the partner and the right to have that commitment recognized. Failure to recognize such associations will lead to discrimination against queer couples.
All persons, including queer persons, have the right to evaluate the moral quality of their lives. The meaning of freedom is the ability to be who you want to be.
This court has recognized that queer people should not be discriminated against. Material benefits and services flowing to heterosexual couples and denied to queer couples will be a violation of their fundamental right.
It cannot be assumed that unmarried couples do not take their relationship seriously.
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