There is much speculation in Tamil Nadu politics that Udhayanidhi Stalin, Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports, will be appointed soon. This is thanks to Raja Kannappan, Minister of Backward Classes Welfare, who appointed the Stalin scion as Deputy Chief Minister at a public meeting in Ramanathapuram on Friday.
However, he immediately corrected himself and suggested that he would appoint Udhayanidhi as Deputy Prime Minister only after August 19.
This is a clear indication that Udhayanidhi is likely to be increased soon.
IANS had earlier reported that his son Udhayanidhi would be appointed Deputy Prime Minister before Prime Minister Stalin began his US trip.
Stalin begins his trip to the US on August 22, where he seeks investments for the state.
While Udhayanidhi played down the issue, Stalin told the media that the time was not yet ripe to appoint his son as deputy prime minister when asked about it.
Prime Minister Stalin had recently admitted that the clamor within his party for Udhayanidhi's appointment had grown louder, but he said they would have to wait.
With less than two years left for the Tamil Nadu state assembly elections, scheduled for 2026, Stalin knows Udhayanidhi can take over.
In the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, it was Udhayanidhi who campaigned across Tamil Nadu.
Soon after the elections were announced on March 16, Udhayanidhi campaigned at 121 locations in 39 constituencies in Tamil Nadu.