A man from Hyderabad shared a challenging experience on Reddit. He described how his housemates wanted to fire their house help simply because she could not communicate with them in Hindi. After describing the incident, the Reddit user asked others if they had faced similar situations.
“I live in a 3BHK with two other housemates. Both of them can't speak Telugu and moved into the apartment two months ago. We have a Telugu speaking maid who cleans exceptionally well, better than most maids in our area. She has been working in the apartment for 1.5 years. Now these guys want to replace her, just because she doesn't speak Hindi, even though they can still communicate with her as she understands Hindi, and I am around most of the time to translate.”
He said his housekeeper was in tears when he explained the situation to her.
See the viral post below:
What happens in Bengaluru today will definitely happen in Hyderabad tomorrow 🙂
byu/Aggravating_Nail4108 in Bengaluru
The post was shared on Reddit a few days ago and received over 500 upvotes and several comments.
“Poor woman, I can't believe she is being treated like scum just because she speaks her own language in her own state. I mean it's completely believable WHO is treating her badly, this won't be the first time this happens and it definitely won't be the last,” one user wrote.
“This happens in companies too. I have seen this with my own eyes when a Hindi HR guy manipulated the hiring process so badly. He literally rejected all local candidates with merit and accepted all illiterate Hindi candidates who had no relevant experience at all. I was the hiring manager and so later took control of the process. But I was amazed to see the courage of this HR,” shared another user.
“I speak Hindi. Our maid speaks Telugu. She works very well. I never had any communication problem with her because my other two housemates speak Telugu. The maid already knows what to do so I don't really have to tell her anything. Once I wanted something so I used Google Translate. Your housemates are stingy. Letting go a poor girl just because of the language is so wrong. She is a localite; we are from other states, we should be the ones to learn Telugu. Reading your other comment where you mentioned that your housemates deducted some money because the maid didn't come because she was sick is so wrong! Your housemates have no empathy for poor people,” the third user replied.
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