A two-year-old girl was killed after she was run over by a vehicle belonging to the management of a private school in Punjab's Barnala, police said on Tuesday.
The incident, which was captured on CCTV footage, took place at Sacred Heart Church on Monday when the child, Zoya, was playing on the premises. Footage shows the girl running in front of the car just as it starts moving. The distraught family said the death was caused by the driver's negligence.
Police say the driver has been arrested and an extensive investigation is underway.
Speaking to reporters, Zoya's father, Suraj Kumar, said he and his wife, Anupama, visited the church with their daughter. “My daughter was playing but was run over due to the driver's negligence. She died on the spot. She was my only child,” he said.
“The area was small and the driver was driving at high speed. How could he do that in such a small space? He should have been careful. When he first ran her over you should have stopped the car. The car stopped not.” and the rear wheels also went over her,” he added.
Mr Kumar alleged that the occupants of the vehicle, believed to be employees of the school, neither apologized for the incident nor helped them rush their daughter to the hospital.
“The driver couldn't see my child? The car completely ran her over. I want justice. I can't consider this incident as an accident. The driver and school staff didn't even come to me to apologize. Who hired him like an accident?” driver? Who will I feed now? Who will I play with now? Why has no action been taken so far,” asked Ms. Kumar, crying inconsolably.
Deputy Superintendent of Police Satbir Singh said the accused driver, Jaswinder Singh, has been arrested. “He is a resident of Sirsa in Haryana. The vehicle has also been seized. An investigation is underway,” the officer said.
There was no immediate statement from the school about the accident.