“It’s part of the game,” a brave Vinesh Phogat told the Indian coaches who met her after her shock disqualification from the Paris Olympics for weighing 100 grams more than the legal limit in the women’s 50kg category on Wednesday. National women’s coach Virender Dahiya and Manjeet Rani met the combative wrestler, who had created a stir in the wrestling arena by defeating world number one and reigning champion Yui Susaki in the opening round on Tuesday. As the nation prepared to celebrate Vinesh’s medal-winning run – she was assured of at least a silver medal – Vinesh was disqualified after she failed to make it to the second weigh-in.
“It sent a shockwave through the wrestling contingent. The girls were feeling quite down after the news broke. We met Vinesh and tried to console her. She was brave. She told us, 'it's unfortunate that we missed out on the medal, but it's part of the game',” said Dahiya, sharing the details of their meeting.
“Several IOA officials were also present to meet her.”
There was more bad news for Indian wrestling that day as Antim Panghal was knocked out in the first round in the women's 53kg class, losing her opening bout on technical superiority.
“She just couldn't play her game, she didn't seem in her element,” the coach said.
In a shocking twist of fate, Vinesh Phogat was disqualified from the Olympics on Wednesday for being overweight ahead of her final in the women’s 50kg class. She had just hours to go before winning an unprecedented gold medal, but now without a medal.
Vinesh created history by becoming the first Indian female wrestler to reach the gold medal match in her category on Tuesday night. Before this morning, she was assured of at least a silver medal but will now return empty-handed due to the disqualification.
The 29-year-old man had to be taken to the outpatient clinic in the Olympic Village with serious injuries due to severe dehydration earlier in the day.
“She was found to be 100 grams overweight this morning. The rules do not allow this and she has been disqualified,” said an Indian coach.
The Indian Olympic Federation requested privacy for the wrestler, who was participating in her third Olympic Games.
“It is with regret that the Indian contingent shares the news of the disqualification of Vinesh Phogat from the women's 50kg wrestling class. Despite the team's best efforts throughout the night, she weighed a few grams more than 50kg this morning,” the IOA said.
“No further comment will be made by the contingent at this stage. The Indian team requests that you respect Vinesh's privacy. It wishes to focus on the competitions at hand,” it added.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
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