In an unexpected turn of events, a woman in northern China recently underwent a DNA test and discovered that she was not genetically related to her parents, according to South China Morning Mail. In an interview, the woman from Inspired by their comments, she began to wonder where she came from and sought clarification from her parents.
Dong asked her relatives about her origins and they gave vague, conflicting answers, including different dates of birth, according to the news portal. Her interest was piqued by her parents' uncertainty and so she sought confirmation through a DNA test. Her suspicions were confirmed by test results, which showed that she was not her parents' biological daughter.
“I have always lived in Xinxiang, but after I started working, my colleagues said, 'You don't look like us at all. Your nose is wide, you have plump lips, and your eyes are bigger and deeper than ours.' You don't look like someone from Henan at all,” Dong said S.C.M.P.
“Every night I wondered: where did I actually come from?” Dong thought.
The Chinese Internet community has exploded in support since this announcement, with many urging Dong to search for her birth parents. Since the first reporting by Henan Broadcasting System on October 24, the story has generated a lot of interest and conversation on social media.
However, the test showed that she probably came from Guangxi province, located in the far south of China, and that there were no genetic connections to Henan province.