Amid the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, a video of Chechen leader and Vladimir Putin’s ally Ramzan Kadyrov has gone viral on social media, threatening Poland. The video posted to Twitter shows Kadyrov saying that the “Ukraine issue is closed” and that Poland is next.
In the captions shown below the video, he can be seen saying, “After Ukraine, if we get the job, we’ll show you what we’re capable of in six seconds.”
#Putin‘s warlord president of #ChechnyaRamzan Kadyrov, says: “The issue of #Ukraine is closed … I’m interested in #PolandSays Warsaw must stop supplying weapons and “beg … official forgiveness” for the Russian army to come get them ??????
— Kyle Orton (@KyleWorton) May 25, 2022
He then says that the country must take back its weapons.
Poland is one of the countries in Europe that has provided Ukraine with a number of weapons to defend itself against the Russian invasion.
In the video, Ramzan Kadyrov also references an incident that happened earlier this month when the Russian ambassador to Poland was attacked with red paint on Victory Day, which commemorates the Soviet Union’s victory in World War II. Ambassador Sergey Andreev and his delegation were forced to leave the area. In the video, Kadyrov can be heard talking about the incident and instructing Poland to “beg official forgiveness for what you did to our ambassador”.
Ramzan Kadyrov, the son of a Chechen independence leader who switched sides to join the Russians, is regularly accused of shocking human rights abuses in the Muslim republic of Chechnya.
Kadyrov welcomed Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and immediately sent troops there. He had said in mid-March that there were about 1,000 of his men. There is no way to verify the figure.